Purchase Prize Award

A purchase prize is money offered to the artists by a business or homeowner in exchange for a painting of their dwelling.

The property owner selects the painting they’d like to keep (purchase) Thursday, July 31st from 7:30 – 8:30 pm before the paintings are juried in or out of the public exhibition. You are welcome to purchase additional paintings, but you must select at least one winner for the purchase prize amount. Unselected purchase prize paintings may or may not end up in the gallery exhibitions but are available to be purchased by the public. Red Bird recommends award amounts between $350 – $1000, or above, to be determined by sponsor.  Purchase Prize locations are publicized on the Sylvania Plein Air website and on a printed map available to artists and the general public. Please specify how you would like your award to be named.

The Purchase Prize Award option is no longer available. All spots have been filled. See you this August!

10% of purchase prize award amount is retained by Red Bird to administer the award. Only 12 Purchase Prize locations are available annually.