Early Bird online registration is available through Saturday, June 28th at midnight. Online registration is limited to 125 Adult Artists, or Wednesday, July 23rd at 5:00 pm, whichever comes first.

All adults will receive a screen-printed canvas tote with our event logo. Each bag will contain goodies from participating businesses and sponsors.


By participating in the Sylvania Plein Air Festival (also referred to as "event"), I do hereby release, waive, indemnify, and hold harmless Downtown Sylvania Association, DBA Red Bird Sylvania or any of its officers, directors, agents, sponsors, and volunteers from any and all liability, damage, or claim of any nature that arises out of, or is related to my participation in Sylvania Plein Air.

I grant to Sylvania Plein Air / Red Bird Sylvania and competing photographers the right to take photographs of me and the art work that I create during the event. I authorize Red Bird Sylvania to use and publish the photographs in print, on community posters and banners, or electronically including social media for legal and non-profit purposes.

I agree that any works sold in Plein Air Sylvania through any host gallery site will be for sale with 70% of the price paid to the artist and 30% to be split between the gallery & Red Bird. Checks will be mailed to the artist at the address provided within 45 days after the close of the exhibition. Artists are responsible to update Sylvania Plein Air if any of their contact information changes after registration.

Artists attest that all artwork entered for jurying will be created out-doors on-site in true Plein Air style and may not be worked on off-site or generated from reference photos, cell phone photography, or any other mechanical or digital means.

Artists agree to pick up unsold artwork at the host gallery between August 18 - 20th. Any artwork left past September 30th will be considered abandoned by the artist and become the property of Red Bird Sylvania to dispose of as they deem appropriate. Artists understand that all registration fees are non-refundable, and all events are rain or shine.

I attest that I am over the age of 18 and have read and understand this agreement.

-OR- I attest that I am the parent / guardian of the registered Youth participating in Sylvania Plein Air and agree to and acknowledge all conditions within this agreement.
